I have recently been inspired to write again, Thanks to Seth Simonds. http://sethsimonds.com/ He told me that having lots of kids was no excuse. "Update Your Blog Woman" were his exact words. Write about what you like. So here I am, giving it another shot.
I honestly just really felt who wants to read what I have to say. I really don't consider myself an Authority on any one topic and thus the reason for the lull in my creative writing.
Most (writer's) Blogger's present their opinions, angles, spins, truth's in such a expert way, which made me feel disconnected and unworthy of people's attention. Since this is not my approach. Seth's point to write about what you like is what stood out the most. It made me realize that I don't have to be like the others, just as long as I'm writing about what what I like and what I'm passionate about in my own words the rest will just fall into place.
I plan on writing about People, Relationships, kids, Experiences, Green Tech, Food, Comedy, Wine, Running, Social Capital,and Charitable Causes. These are all things that I enjoy about living and learning. Thanks Seth for getting me out of my shell and back into sharing and connecting with others. I look forward to Aquathon and watching you boogie!!!
1 comment:
You did it!
I went back to find the message I sent you after our conversation:
"Update your blog, woman! Having children and being very busy are not real excuses! =P Write about things you really enjoy talking about. Others will come alongside you." For some context, I'm from a huge family and I remember my mom making a point to get time away from us kids so she could write. She really enjoyed the process and it gave her something tangible to reflect on. It gave her some stability amidst the wild howls of a needy family.
Most bloggers try to come across as an expert because they've been told to do so by other bloggers who are making money with blogging. Using a strong "expert" voice might be the best way to build an apathetic following that will buy your ebook...but I've found that the interactions I have had with others based on my expressions of uncertainty tended to be the most rewarding.
Your list of topics sounds like a killer blog in the making! If you enjoy writing it, so much the better.
I'm trying to be good about updating http://primalstride.com with my running progress. 7.5miles on last night's run and I've got until late November before my first half marathon! Ack! Need to train more! =)
I'm glad I was of some service in getting your blog going again. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. (Get your hubby to set you up with a glam self-hosted site on a great URL once you get going... switching themes is a favorite pastime of mine.)
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