Sunday, February 7, 2010
Since Everyone is Asking
To answer your questions, the Lunnys and others in the video had nothing to do with the financing, concept, editing or production of the video. They allowed me to film them but that's the extent of it. An acquaintance of mine who is a resident of Marin and has never met the Lunnys contacted me in October and suggested that I help them and they offered to help finance it. I'm building a business as a social media expert specializing in anti-smear campaigns so this was right up my alley.
As I began to research it I too became passionate about the cause and felt that the Lunnys had been treated really unfairly and I decided that a viral video that raised awareness and created a political constituency to support the Lunnys would be the right way to go. The video is factual and there is corroborating evidence to support all statements in it. It was never intended to be a journalist piece, though, it is a political piece designed to build support for the Lunnys.
The most significant part of the video is that for the first time, it uncovers hard evidence that there was a secret meeting between Bennett and the park service where it was decided to make it difficult for the Lunnys, something that Neubacher adamantly denied during the Inspector General's investigation. We have lots of footage of Ken Fox giving details of that meeting which could be construed as a conspiracy against the Lunnys - I'd ask Neubacher what he thinks of that, if I could!
Sunday, November 1, 2009

There is a local Oyster Farm in Marin that needs all of our help. The Government is unfairly trying to shut them down through lies and scientific misconduct.
Randy and I with the help of friends have a created a preliminary website, it will continue to be edited and modified. I encourage all of my friends and family to read through this site.
Please learn the Facts and help us spread the truth. Here is what is at Stake The Lunny's are being unfairly treated,they are from generations of local farmers- salt of the earth sort of family. Hard working and all around amazing people.
If you follow my status updates or my tweets then you realize that I don't sit back, I get involved in different causes that are near and dear to my heart. This one especially has caught my attention. It is going to take all of us and a small miracle to get these government agencies to stop spreading untruths and misguiding the science in order to Save The Farm.
We were written up in todays New York Times.
Please be part of the Small Miracle Sign-up to learn more and hear what is going on at the Farm.
Many Thanks,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
JobTrain Trainee of The Month Celebration
Today I attended the Trainee of the Month Celebration. It is amazing to me no matter how many times I walk in through the doors of JobTrain that almost each time I am brought to tears. The stories of trials, tribulations and accomplishments, from all aspects of JobTrain are always inspirational. These stories range from the Founder all the way to the students they help.
Sharon Williams the Executive Director told a wonderful story about a man named Leo Sullivan who was a Reverend in a Church from Northern Philly. Over 40 years ago a despaired Leo was frustrated that his peers were never hired for jobs in any successful large company. One that stood out was Tastey Cakes. This was a time when urban rioting was at an all time high. So the Reverend set up a protest against Tastey Cakes, for not hiring any of the African Americans in their community. The head of Tastey Cakes, said "we would be happy to hire people from our community", so they did. Within a matter of weeks they had to let go of the new hires. I thought to myself why would they do such a thing, when they had just helped so many people.
They hired a bunch of people that had no skills, no training or experience, so it made sense they had to let them go. Leo Sullivan was a man who always said "Motivation without Preparation causes Frustration". He then realized that he needed to do more then just locate jobs for his peers, and that he needed a place to educate, train, and prepare them for new tasks they would preform at a new job. He then raised funds to turn a old jail house into OIC.
OIC was named that because during Leo's fundraisng efforts, he kept telling the prior story and his prospective donors would respond, "Oh I see"!! Leo soon after he created OIC in Pennsylvania, met a man named Father John Sweeny who was going through a similar situation in East Palo Alto he heard of OIC so together Father John Sweeny opened OICWest or just OICW. It was founded in Menlo Park over 40 years ago and is known today as JobTrain.
Over time I have been able to witness Graduations, Food Contests inside the Culinary Arts program, and once a month the Trainee of The Month Celebration. They award it to a person that exhibits great leadership skills, one that has overcome many obstacles to be where they are today. They have the qualities that embody what it will take to hold down a job after graduation. This month's award went to Margarita D'Evers from The Culinary Arts program. She was also awarded for her 100% attendance along with 29 other JobTrain students. It was such a great day hearing all the stories. It makes me so proud to be part of such a great organization.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Write about What you Like

I have recently been inspired to write again, Thanks to Seth Simonds. He told me that having lots of kids was no excuse. "Update Your Blog Woman" were his exact words. Write about what you like. So here I am, giving it another shot.
I honestly just really felt who wants to read what I have to say. I really don't consider myself an Authority on any one topic and thus the reason for the lull in my creative writing.
Most (writer's) Blogger's present their opinions, angles, spins, truth's in such a expert way, which made me feel disconnected and unworthy of people's attention. Since this is not my approach. Seth's point to write about what you like is what stood out the most. It made me realize that I don't have to be like the others, just as long as I'm writing about what what I like and what I'm passionate about in my own words the rest will just fall into place.
I plan on writing about People, Relationships, kids, Experiences, Green Tech, Food, Comedy, Wine, Running, Social Capital,and Charitable Causes. These are all things that I enjoy about living and learning. Thanks Seth for getting me out of my shell and back into sharing and connecting with others. I look forward to Aquathon and watching you boogie!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
JobTrain Graduation

Contact: Kail Lubarsky
Development & Marketing
Menlo Park, CA Ð JUNE 11, 2009 Ð JobTrainÕs graduation is unlike those typically covered in
the media. Our graduates have overcome extraordinary and unconscionable barriers ranging
from homelessness, parental abuse, poverty, debilitating illnesses, substance abuse and even
incarceration. Yet, despite their amazing and brilliant achievements Ð theyÕre efforts-- and even
well-deserved 15 minutes of fame Ð are eclipsed by conventional graduations which are always
covered in the media.
The JobTrain graduation is parallel to none; and will occur tonight, June 11, 2009 at 7
oÕclock. Our graduates would be honored and more importantly, obtain a greater sense of
purpose and self value if youÕre there to acknowledge their success.
Resultant of the protracted economic crisis and statewide 9% unemployment rate, JobTrain will
graduate its largest class at St. John Missionary Baptist Church this evening. Exactly 239
students will receive Certificates of Program Completion at JobTrainÕs 17th annual graduation
JobTrain, established in 1965 under the OIC of America affiliation, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, educational
and vocational training institution. We provide services to disenfranchised residents of East Palo Alto,
east Menlo Park and areas of Redwood City. WeÕre fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools
and Colleges and provide impactful programs structured to eradicate the pervasive cycle of homelessness,
welfare, unemployment, substance abuse and crime Ð all of which are insidious throughout these
JobTrain is founded on the belief in the potential in every human being. We believe that through training,
encouragement and inspiration, our trainees will become self-supporting and thriving members of society.
Throughout our history, weÕve reached 130,000 people with transformative and impactful programs. In
2008 approximately 4,500 clients participated in a variant of programs ranging from Culinary Arts to Solar
Panel Installation to becoming a Health Care Professional. Since our inception 44 years ago, our
philosophy has remained intact: Provide our clients with a hand up Ðnever a hand-out!
WHAT: JobTrain 17th Annual Graduation
WHERE: St. John Missionary Baptist Church, 1050 Bay Road East Palo Alto
WHEN: June 11, 2009 at 7:00p.m.
Friday, December 26, 2008
09 is Rolling In!

The last couple of weeks have been a blur. I felt like the days went screaming by. There was so much going on that I really felt more stressed out then festive. It took me longer to get into the Holiday Spirit!
I did however have a free afternoon about a week ago where I was able to meet a friend for lunch, drinks and shopping! I met her on twitter. We would @ each other about our runs; what was a good recipe for a nasty cold! We also figured out that we knew some of the same people... small world.
Randy and I braved the awful holiday airport craziness to head to LA on Sunday. It was worth it, not just because we had the opportunity to see a run thru of Will Ferrell's "You're Welcome America", but because it was great to take a few days and do nothing. It was an early Christmas gift to myself. I literally sat in bed almost the entire day ordering room service, watching movies and donating to the Ronald Mc Donald House in all my family members name! It took me like 2 hours! I have a big family!!
With the end of December around the corner and '09 rolling in, in a few days I always wonder why people make New Years resolutions that they never keep! I don't have any! I do however, in July during my Anniversary weekend, sit down with my husband and write out goals for the year, some personal and some for our family. We have been doing this now for 9 years! It works for us! I usually set my goals realistically! Like family dinners at least 3x a week (with teenagers playing sports that is realistic)!
I do hope '09 is a good year! Not that '08 was bad, because it was not! I just would like to see the economy start to recover. i don't like watching the news and learning more people have lost their jobs or there house.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Nothing is a joy..
Sometimes there is so much happening with 5 boys in the house, holiday plays, celebrations, play dates, church, etc. that the weeks just scream by and before you know it, it is the weekend again. Things seem then to slow down a bit then and sometimes you have a day when you get to do practically nothing - and it is a joy to slow down just for a moment.
Today we did nothing - well not really. We got up early with the boys, sat with them, played with them, cooked for them, made gingerbread cookies with them, sat around the dinner table with them, enjoyed them. It was not all perfect - at times they were totally bored out of their minds and whined to go out and buy some video games or go to lunch but we stood firm - this was going to be a "nothing" day. Our 14 year old complained that he was bored and set a countdown timer to when he was going to get to go to his Grandma's, 18 hours, 23 minutes, 15 seconds and counting. We ignored it. We turned on the TV for a while - it was a Will Ferrell marathon on KOFY - first Anchorman then a few minutes of Taladega Nights.
We took showers late, never left the house and spent the entire day boring our kids out of their minds. Now they are all in bed but the countdown timer continues to tick off the seconds and we're about to head out to a date night in LA tomorrow, but no matter how fun and exciting tomorrow will be, we will always treasure the nothingness of today.
guest post by Randy Adams
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