The last couple of weeks have been a blur. I felt like the days went screaming by. There was so much going on that I really felt more stressed out then festive. It took me longer to get into the Holiday Spirit!
I did however have a free afternoon about a week ago where I was able to meet a friend for lunch, drinks and shopping! I met her on twitter. We would @ each other about our runs; what was a good recipe for a nasty cold! We also figured out that we knew some of the same people... small world.
Randy and I braved the awful holiday airport craziness to head to LA on Sunday. It was worth it, not just because we had the opportunity to see a run thru of Will Ferrell's "You're Welcome America", but because it was great to take a few days and do nothing. It was an early Christmas gift to myself. I literally sat in bed almost the entire day ordering room service, watching movies and donating to the Ronald Mc Donald House in all my family members name! It took me like 2 hours! I have a big family!!
With the end of December around the corner and '09 rolling in, in a few days I always wonder why people make New Years resolutions that they never keep! I don't have any! I do however, in July during my Anniversary weekend, sit down with my husband and write out goals for the year, some personal and some for our family. We have been doing this now for 9 years! It works for us! I usually set my goals realistically! Like family dinners at least 3x a week (with teenagers playing sports that is realistic)!
I do hope '09 is a good year! Not that '08 was bad, because it was not! I just would like to see the economy start to recover. i don't like watching the news and learning more people have lost their jobs or there house.
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